AlphaSolar is an engineering design, procurement and construction (EPC) company and is one of the pioneers in the solar energy space in the Philippines. Since 2011, we have collaborated with our value chain partners in developing solar energy projects.

AlphaSolar consulting executives and partners completed a 22.3 megawatt solar project at Clark Freeport Zone. The first solar project in a Philippine special economic zone.

AlphaSolar built the first industrial-scale solar rooftop project for Viskase Asia Pacific Corporation. This was the first Viskase global branch with a solar power system.
2011 - 2015

2016 - 2018

AlphaSolar secured contracts with reputable branded foreign and domestic companies including Singapore International Airlines Engineering (Philippines) and Kentucky Fried Chicken, among others.


AlphaSolar closed projects with some of the most reputable companies like San Miguel Foods, Puregold, S&R, Jollibee Foods Corporation, Juan D. Nepomuceno & Sons, Inc. and Dizon Farms, among others

2019 - 2020

2021 - 2023

AlphaSolar wrapped up the Nepomuceno Group projects, and pursued on-going Jollibee Group projects. It also went aggressive in residential solar projects. This year also started AlphaSolar in the development of large-scale solar utility projects.
2024 - PRESENT

Our Mission, Vision and Core Values
Sustainable solutions for a better world!
To provide clean, renewable, reliable and affordable solar energy in all the provinces of the Philippines by 2029 and to explore the next frontiers by 2030.
A world free from the dangers of global warming and from the rising cost of energy.
Core Values
Passion. Proactivity. Persistence. Performance. Above all - Courage and Kindness.
Our Societal Contributions
We find joy in doing good!
Global warming poses a clear and present danger in the future if left unsolved. AlphaSolar helps in mitigating the negative impacts through the equitable large-scale use of solar energy. Listed below are our societal contributions:
Solar Energy Installed Capacity = 34.02 MW
Tons of Carbon dioxide avoided per year = 28,137
Equivalent number of tree seedlings grown for 10 years = 465,066
Equivalent passenger vehicles taken off roads per year = 6,117
Equivalent jobs created = 426
Equivalent import amount of coal avoided per year (Php) = 40.45 Million

Tito Maglaqui
Managing Director
â–ª Managing Director of AlphaSolar, Inc.
â–ª Former Managing Consultant of Stumpf Energy of Austria and Germany
â–ª Former Managing Consultant of an Armstrong Asset Management Special Purpose Corporation
â–ª Former Managing Consultant of Enfinity BV of Belgium
â–ª Former Industrial Development Expert of AECOM and Philkoei
â–ª Former Executive Director of WorldServe
â–ª Former Consultant in projects funded by UNDP, ADB, USAID, CIDA, JICA, GTZ, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Trias and other development organizations
â–ª Former University and Graduate School Professor and Lecturer
â–ª Former Market Analyst of San Miguel Corporation

Jose De Jesus
Board Advisor
â–ª Former Secretary (Department of Public Works and Highways and Department of Transportation and Communications)
â–ª Chairman (Converge ICT Solutions, Inc.)
â–ª Former Chairman (Manila Waterworks & Sewerage System, MIESCOR and Clark Development Corporation)
â–ª Board Director/Trustee (Petron, SMC SLEX, Inc., Air Asia, Holy Angel University and others)
â–ª Former President (MERALCO)
â–ª Former CEO (Manila North Tollways Corporation and Nationwide Development Corporation)

Michael Rodriguez
Board Advisor
â–ª Economist and International Real Assets Management Expert
â–ª Former Managing Director (Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets)
â–ª Former CEO (Philippine Investment Alliance for Infrastructure Fund)
â–ª Former Director (Limak Investments)
â–ª Former Partner (Manara Equity Partners)

Marshelly Grace
B. Lazaro
â–ª Social Entrepreneur and Philanthropist
â–ª Founder, Chairman, and CEO: Cytherea Global Cosmetics; Home Rituals Wellness and Spa; Social Drink Registry
â–ª TV Host: Net 25 & Eagle Broadcasting Corporation
â–ª Partner: Creactivations Events and PR Corporation
â–ª Former President, Deputy Governor, and Paul Harris Fellow: Rotary International District 3830 (Makati)
â–ª Former President: Club Bulakeño and Zonta International
â–ª Advisory Board Member and Former Acting Chair: Voice of the Free Foundation
â–ª Advisor: ASEAN Youth Organization and 1Filipino Foundation
â–ª Ambassador for Life: Philippine Cancer Society
â–ª Former Country Representative: THE ONE Global Humanitarian Awards